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Ribu thinks experience was the key to becoming a software developer

January 30th, 2020|Real Stories|

I gained confidence, overcame that barrier and now I’m working as a software developer. Yet another one of our Graduates has landed a job as a software developer! This time it’s Ribu, who has just started her new position at GS1 here in Auckland. We caught up with her to ask her about her time [...]

Want a change of careers? Then maybe the IT industry is for you?

January 23rd, 2020|News|

If you're stuck in a job you hate, or maybe you're not making enough money to make ends meet, then there's always time for a change of career. A new life in the IT industry might be just what the doctor ordered for you, and Industry Connect can help you get there. If you’re interested [...]

How Industry Connect helps women in IT get jobs

January 17th, 2020|Real Stories|

I would definitely recommend Industry Connect to people without any experience - people definitely require working experience in New Zealand. Software development is a profession in which both men and women are equally suited, but unfortunately, the statistics don’t show equal employment in the industry. Here at Industry Connect, we are fully aware that the [...]

There’s a new automation test analyst in the world thanks to us!

January 10th, 2020|Real Stories|

Jigs always wanted to become an automation test analyst, but like so many others straight out of University, found it hard to get a job. Luckily he found us instead. Now he’s a working as an automation test analyst at Foster Moore, and before he took off on his new career he got dressed up [...]

Annie used to work for Apple, but then she upgraded to Industry Connect!

January 2nd, 2020|Real Stories|

Industry Connect give you what you really need in the industry, so you don’t waste your time learning a whole lot of different things that are unnecessary. We like to target recent graduates who can’t get a job, people who have taken a gap year, and developers who want to change direction with their IT [...]