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Why Soft Skills is just as important as technical skills

June 30th, 2022|Soft skills|

You may have all the technical knowledge in the world, but if you don't know how to handle an interview, you'll never get a job. We can help.

Kashif is now a Master Data Analyst!

June 23rd, 2022|Real Stories|

Another success story from Industry Connect, this time it's Kashif who has landed a job as a master data analyst!

Software developer jobs in Ireland

June 16th, 2022|News|

Industry Connect is now in the Emerald Isle to help people find software developer jobs in Ireland!

Want to a job as a Back-End Developer? Call us!

June 9th, 2022|Software Development|

What is a back-end developer exactly, and how do you become one? We explain all in this short article! Come check it out!

Amar had two companies wanting him! Now he’s a Data Analyst

June 2nd, 2022|Uncategorized|

More good news from Australia! This time it’s Amar who has landed a job as a data analyst! We caught up with him to ask about his experience with us.