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Ravali Devarakonda now has a new job as a Data Analyst after joining us

October 27th, 2022|Real Stories|

If you’re looking for a job as a data analyst, then Industry Connect is the place to come! Ravali is the latest in a long line of graduates who have launched their careers after joining us.

Kashif Umer recommends Industry Connect

October 20th, 2022|News|

Another week another success story. This time is Kashif who wants to talk about how Industry Connect changed his life and why he recommends us to anyone wanting to get a job in the IT sector. Six short months after joining us, he had multiple offers!

Dulika had a 10 year career gap and is now a QA Test Analyst!

October 13th, 2022|Real Stories|

Dulika had a massive decade-long career gap, so she did what anyone would do - join us! Now has a job as a QA test analyst!

Karthika had a large career gap and now has a job as a Test Analyst

October 6th, 2022|Real Stories|

More good news from across the Ditch! This time it’s Karthika who has landed a job as a test analyst!