Programme set by Software Development Companies

The job-ready programme provides real-world insights into working in the IT industry. You will experience what itโ€™s really like to work in the industry. You will learn key industry terms and communication techniques while building valuable personal industry connections.

We are here to assist with guidance in your personal job hunt, including assistance with CV preparation and interview techniques. Upon successful completion of the programme and internship you receive a reference letter to endorse your commercial scale project development experience while with us.


What You Will Learn & How It Works

Practical Skills Commercial Experience Build Connections Receive Reference
Help participants in a small group to gain software development knowledge used in the commercial world. The best way to learn is by doing it for real and you will experience so much more in real world project. You will sit down with IT CEO, Director, Manager, Testers, Senior Developers, and Career Direction. We will give you a reference for the commercial project you are working which is drawn from your internship tracking data.

This course is designed for:

>ย  Learn testing and analysis skills used in business(Never taught at schools)
>ย  Gain commercial work experience by getting involved in large scale, reputable projects in Auckland
>ย  Receive a reference for the work you deliver
>ย  Be offered opportunities for employment through our channel partners
>ย  Learn soft skills and how to handle people in development team.
>ย  Meet great IT people from reputable companies and build valuable industry connections.
>ย  You will also learn some programming stuff such as SQL, C#, Java.

  • NO teachers! But developers. We run sessions by software developers from work space.
  • NO books and theories! We focus on in-demand skills currently used in the commercial world.
  • NO assignments or marks! We focus on research and resolving commercial problems.


SDLC & STLC, Defect Management, Testing Process, Methodologies, Types of Testing,
Object Oriented Programming, Testing Principles.

Manual Testing

Requirements Analysis, Test Plan, Test Strategy, Test condition and case,
Defect Management Process, Agile workflow, Testers in CI, JIRA Introduction,
Test Management Process, TDD approach.

Automation Testing

Selenium WebDriver with C#, POM with PageFactory, Data Driven
automation tests, NUnit/ XUnit framework, Reporting framework, Business
readable UI automation with BDD approach, Cucumber/ SpecFlow with Gherkin,
Selenium WebDriver with Java.

API & Performance Testing

API testing for SOAP and RESTful web services using SOAP UI, Postman,
Performance Testing with JMeter.

ISTQB Foundation Level Certification Support

Online self-study material and questionnaires.

Internship with MVP Studio

Programme participants will work within MVP Studio, a global software company for their internship where they will work on a commercial scale project/s to enhance their practical, business-oriented development skills.

The projects are chosen to specifically match the skills that employers are currently looking for. Participants will be mentored throughout the project. Projects typically involve a selection of the following technology:

SoapUI, Fiddler, Charles, Visual Studio, TestComplete, TestStudio
Selenium, jMeter

Test Design & Planning Design test cases for the system
Functional, Regression and Integration Functional, Regression testing strategies and executions.
Automation testing experience Utilise Selenium, jMeter tools to build automated testing plans
SQL, C#, Java & Source Code Repository Learn some practical OO programming languages that are used in the testing tools
Tools SoapUI, Fiddler, Charles, Visual Studio, TestComplete, TestStudio
Agile โ€“ Scrum Learn Agile โ€“ Scrum methodology and Learn communication skills with Developers & QA managers
Projects & Work Experience You will be part of the testing team at our partnerโ€™s companies

Description Duration Details

Step 1:ย  Job Ready Programme

2 sessions + 1 tutorial per week
2 hours per session in the evenings online via Zoom.ย  Each session is recorded so that participants can review the session (available for 3 months).

Step 2:ย  Internship with MVP Studio (3+ months)

Working on a Commercial Scale Project(s)
Guided by Senior developers, PM, BA or QA

*Prerequisite: Option 1.ย  Using the skills learnt, participants get involved in commercial scale projects. They are guided by senior developers or testers from commercial development teams. Past projects have utilised the latest and coolest technologies which are in-demand within the market.

Request Our Info Pack

Watch their inspirational stories of becoming a Test Analyst

Some of the companies our graduates have been successfully employed at.