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5 reasons to train as a software developer

January 2nd, 2023|Software Development|

With high demand, good pay, and excellent job security, software development is an ideal choice for those who are looking for a new career.

Want to a job as a Back-End Developer? Call us!

June 9th, 2022|Software Development|

What is a back-end developer exactly, and how do you become one? We explain all in this short article! Come check it out!

The jobs that will pay the highest salaries in 2040

May 10th, 2022|Business Intelligence, News, Software Development, Test Analyst|

I recently came across this article on LinkedIn and thought I would share it with you to see if you are either looking at changing your career to IT or you want to upskill your current skill set. It is from the "Financial Review". In this article, by Marianne Power, Nikolas Badminton talks about different [...]

Malini found a job as a Software Developer in only 6 months!

March 17th, 2022|Real Stories, Software Development|

We’re used to our success stories here at Industry Connect, but the speed that Malini found a job as a software developer surprised even us!

What’s happening in the IT Software Market?

January 14th, 2021|Business Intelligence, News, Software Development, Test Analyst|

I was reflecting on 2020 the other day and the way in which things have changed for a lot of people worldwide in the way that we do things, how we think about our jobs and careers and what is most important to us. All of us here at Industry Connect have seen a dramatic [...]

Best thing to do during economics recession to make your life future proof

March 13th, 2020|Software Development|

First thing first, the recession will be over, and it does not last that long. Instead of worrying about the recession, it is time to plan for a career that is future proof. Continue your education and build up skills in technology. “Economists are always emphasising the importance of education,” Sinclair says. “That’s something, even [...]

Corona-virus, Technologies and Software Career

February 25th, 2020|Software Development|

The outbreak of the deadly coronavirus has left millions stranded at home in China. The silver lining side is that it boosts the adoption of technology among the families. Here is a list of technologies that are introduced to solve the problems of people living at home for an extended period without going out. Contactless [...]

[Determination] Ruchika is a Data Engineer Now!

September 18th, 2019|Internship, Real Stories, Software Development, Testimonials|

If I cannot solve the problem in minutes, I will continue to work on the problems in days until I figured it out! For the distance tasks, it took me two weeks, I just do not give it up! It is Determination. Do it practically on your own. I can feel I will get the [...]

ADVENTURE is on the other side of FEAR!

August 10th, 2019|News, Software Development|

Have you ever had a burning desire, a passion that you’ve wanted to pursue and you get so excited because you realise that this is who you are and what you really want and then SUDDENLY…… hear that small voice inside that starts to sow negativity and doubt? “Who do you think you are?” [...]

The evolution of domain names

July 14th, 2019|News, Software Development|

We all know that domain names are an amazing representation of the internet addresses i.e. IP address. Human can remember much easier than Human can understand what is about, whereas there is no clue from Domain names start with .com, .net, .org etc With more presences of .io, .co, .xyz, people [...]