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Don’t beg for a job!

May 12th, 2018|Graduate Jobs, Software Development|

Following my last article, where I talked about what to put on your CV,  I got asked to describe more about my comment regarding having a 'confident, professional tone'. I want to dig into this a bit more as it is often misunderstood.  It is quite difficult for people who are not experienced within the [...]

Practical software training with Industry Connect

February 25th, 2018|Software Development|

If you’re looking for practical software training in New Zealand or Australia, then Industry Connect have designed an incredible software developer programme just for you! If you’re interested in a career in the world of IT, as a programmer or developer, then keep reading! Our special course is a unique blend of education, theory and hands-on experience, [...]

Software development jobs in Christchurch – how we can help

February 4th, 2018|News, Software Development|

If you’re looking for software development jobs in Christchurch, then you might have discovered it's not as easy as you thought. The annoying thing is, there are plenty of jobs out there, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to walk into one. With software development jobs in Christchurch, the competition is fierce, so you need [...]

Filip changed careers and is now a software engineer!

January 29th, 2018|Graduate Jobs, Software Development|

Another incredible success story from Industry Connect! Filip is one of the recent graduates here, and he’s now a fully-fledged software engineer thanks to our programme. The interesting thing about Filip is he originally studied Sports Science, and later decided to make the switch to software development. We caught up with Filip to ask a [...]

A C-Sharp blockchain example explains how blockchain works

December 3rd, 2017|Software Development|

If you understand basic C# and want to understand how block chain works. Here is atoy version of blockchain written in C#. In here, a block stands for one transaction. You can see how a block is being constructed and how a block relates to its previous block. The most interesting part is you can [...]

Industry Connect’s Review By Jack

November 29th, 2017|Software Development, Testimonials|

After Jack got his first software developer job,  Jack decided to do a video interview as an Industry Connect review. In the video, Jack told everything he learned at Industry Connect. In a nutshell, it is about the right technical skills, meet the people, learned what soft skill is, improved public speaking, learned software architecture, understand interview, [...]

The Blockchain & Ethereum 101

November 18th, 2017|Software Development|

Ethereum – a Decentralised Consensus Network The blockchain is the decentralised consensus network,, and its most well known instance is "bitcoin",  before you can the development on Ethereum network, here are some key technologies required. Public Key Cryptography Public, private key cryptography is an encryption method that requires two keys. i..e Public key is known to [...]

Why learn C# from employment perspective

October 22nd, 2017|Software Development|

Companies you can work for One of the biggest benefits of learning C# is that it is used by the wide range of companies. From small startups to big corporations.  C# has been one of the top 5 most popular programming languages for the past decade, as well as being the main language that enterprises pay programmers to [...]

A career change from networking career to software development

October 11th, 2017|Software Development|

Yadira (from Networking career) said on our facebook page review, "If you want to switch careers, are committed to learn but you are not sure if software development is right for you, then I recommend you to give Industry Connect a try. You will be amazed of what you can achieve through this program."   [...]

Looking for a programming job in Christchurch?

October 9th, 2017|Software Development|

If you’re searching for a programming job in Christchurch, then you might have discovered it's not as easy as you thought. The annoying thing is, there are plenty of jobs out there, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to walk into one. With a programming job in Christchurch, there are plenty of other people looking too, [...]