Following my last article, where I talked about what to put on your CV, I got asked to describe more about my comment regarding having a ‘confident, professional tone’.
I want to dig into this a bit more as it is often misunderstood. It is quite difficult for people who are not experienced within the industry and when suggesting they change the tone of their CV, it can appear to be over pedantic or of little consequence.
However, having the right tone within your CV is very important as it instantly conveys an immediate first-impression of you. Here are the consequences of having the wrong tone. You can appear to be too impersonal, aloof or unfriendly, or you may appear to be too casual, unstructured, or unprofessional. It will also immediately tell them if your written communication skills are weak.
The tone of your CV has to convey the following important messages; That you are professional and personable, with good attention to detail. You understand the typical words and tone that is used within the industry. You have a personality. You have good communication skills.
However, the most important thing with tone is that you must not appear to be desperate or be ‘begging’ for a job. If it looks like you are begging for a job, then employers will see you as inexperienced and of low value. It is much better to come across confident in the value you have to offer than it is to beg.
As an employer, often I see résumés where the candidate comes across as desperate in their very first introductory paragraph. It is as if they are asking me to ‘do them a favour’ by offering them a job. Unfortunately, the industry doesn’t work like that and it immediately positions them as someone who I probably don’t want to see.
Please don’t be a job applicant where you feel like you need to beg for a job! It is much better to spend your time building a strong set of skills and experience so that you are valuable to employers.
If you would like us to work with you to build a better CV; one that will secure you a job, please register online, or come along to one of our Information Sessions.
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Best Regards,
Andrew McPherson
Founder & Director
Australia: 1300 50 88 17
New Zealand: 0800 100 081
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