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July 2019

Disqualified Instantly: If someone asks “do you give me an IT software job?”

July 9th, 2019|Internship, Software Development|

There is a number of emails hitting our inbox of asking "Do you give me an IT/software job" We want to help anyone, but those who ask this question, we worry about the mindset towards professional employment. What is a professional job? A professional job is determined by the level of learning required. Concerns [...]

Ten years career gap didn’t vanish her IT career dream

July 4th, 2019|Internship, Real Stories, Software Development, Uncategorized|

Sunitha used to work as a manual tester. At the time, she needed to choose between career and family. She decided to devote herself to the family. Ten years later, Sunitha found it is time to get back to the workforce, not only it will provide an extra income stream for the family, and professional [...]

Software Career: Good skills but SO NERVOUS at the interviews

July 2nd, 2019|Internship, Real Stories, Software Development|

After the in-demand tech training sessions at Industry Connect, Kriska worked on the commercial project mentored by the team at MVP Studio. Kriska has got everything she needed for a software developer job, however, the journey wasn't that smooth as she still gets rejections. We sat down with her and analysed her issues, and it [...]

June 2019

Easy transition right? A full stack developer from Singapore to Sydney.

June 30th, 2019|Real Stories|

Jay moved to Sydney and started looking for a similar job that he was doing back in Singapore. However, things turned out are not that easy, employers are often looking for local experience with the tech skills are often used in Australia that may not be so popular in Singapore. After all his hard working, [...]

Wang’s Blog: A dental professional with a ten years degree and now doing BI

June 27th, 2019|Real Stories|

Business Intelligence, the lover of a career changer, is the most popular career path for someone who wants to switch to software career. Just like Michael said, I choose transit to Business Intelligence because I can transfer my existing statistics, analytics, sales and marketing skills to the BI field. Michael is a current participant on [...]

Aadhi’s Personal Blog: How to make IT a habit?

June 25th, 2019|Real Stories|

Aadith is our test analyst mentoring our participants in testing automation sessions. How to get Inspired / Motivated in the Journey? This is the first question that Aadith ask his students on the first week of the lecture. "Do you know how to get inspired?" "The journey to get a job in IT might not [...]

Aadhi’s Personal Blog: From fruits picker to senior automation test analyst

June 23rd, 2019|Real Stories|

Aadhi from India moved to New Zealand in 2015.  Like some of the international students, he studied business in Invercargill. Invercargill is a beautiful place to live, but there aren't many job opportunities after graduation. Aadhi decided to move to Tauranga to make a living first by working for a Kiwi farm. Life wasn't easy. Aadhi [...]

WHEN GAP STARTS: People out of university usually end up doing something different…

June 21st, 2019|Real Stories|

After graduation, Parvez worked as a salesman but he always wanted to become a software developer. He found that the more he worked in the sales area, the more distance gap he got from IT software. He then enrolled in the programme started with six weeks of training to refresh the memory. During the six [...]

Dalia is a citizen and had local work experience, but still struggling

June 18th, 2019|Real Stories|

Dalia is a citizen, and she has local work experience, but she still has trouble to secure a software job recently. Why? The problem that Dalia got it is the GAP; she was away from the professional workspace for a couple of years for the family. What do Employers think? The good news is employers [...]

Teja’s learning “companion” started to give him advice on day one

June 16th, 2019|Uncategorized|

Recently, Teja has secured a Business Reporting Analyst position at Datacom Melbourne in Australia. Teja gained a master degree in 2016 in Melbourne, and he later went back to India. He was looking for an IT software job after he came back to Australia and found it is quite difficult to get a job offer [...]