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September 2018

Auckland information morning coming soon!

September 18th, 2018|News|

If you’re looking at entering the IT sector and don’t know what your next steps are come along to our Information Morning, right here in Auckland and find out how we can help you find a job in software development. Industry Connect’s founders and owners of successful software companies, Andrew McPherson and Ray Lu will [...]

Business Intelligence Programme starting at our Melbourne office!

September 17th, 2018|News|

Industry Connect will be running a Business Intelligence Job Ready Programme from our Melbourne Office starting on the 29th October! Business Intelligence programming is becoming more and more popular recently, with job positions opening up throughout the IT industry. But what exactly is BI programming? And is it worth pursuing as a career? Keep reading [...]

Melbourne and Sydney information nights in September

September 14th, 2018|News|

If you're looking for a job in the IT industry in Australia, then come along to one of our upcoming information nights in Sydney or Melbourne this September, where we will show you how we can help you land the dream job you've always wanted. We have helped hundreds of people, mainly immigrants, find work in [...]

Pratz is now a full-time software developer after joining us

September 9th, 2018|News|

Today we're talking with Pratz who has just secured himself a full-time position as a full-stack developer. Congratulations Pratz! Everyone here is so very, very proud of you, you've come a long way. Now share with everyone your back story; where you’ve come from and how you come to be at Industry Connect. So I [...]

Sukhpreet is now an intermediate software developer

September 4th, 2018|News|

Sukhpreet is now the latest in a long line of Industry Connect graduates who have walked into a job in IT. Now working as an intermediate software developer, Sukhpreet sat down with us for a chat to tell us about her experiences with Industry Connect, and how we helped her secure her new job. First [...]

Ann now has a BI Developer job thanks to our help!

September 1st, 2018|News|

Industry Connect has once again helped someone find a job in the IT sector! This time it’s Ann, who recently landed a  BI Developer job. We caught up with her to ask her about her time with Industry Connect, and how we helped her along the way. First of all Ann, congratulations on your new [...]

August 2018

Faizan has secured a full time BI position with Ernst & Young Melbourne

August 30th, 2018|News|

Once again Industry Connect have helped someone land a job in the IT sector. Faizan has just been offered a full-time position in Business Intelligence with Ernst & Young. Before he left us, we sat down with him to ask about his time here and how we helped. First off, congratulations on your BI position! [...]

Come see us about programming jobs in Melbourne

August 28th, 2018|Uncategorized|

If you’re typing ‘programming jobs in Melbourne’ into Google, then the results might not be in your favour. Don’t get us wrong, there are plenty of jobs out there, but that doesn’t mean you’re going to walk into one. When it comes to programming jobs in Melbourne there are plenty of other candidates in contention, [...]

Why you should join our software development internship in Christchurch

August 25th, 2018|Uncategorized|

When it comes to a software development internship in Christchurch, then Industry Connect are the people to call! Let us help you get your IT career off to a great start with one of our many specialised software development internships. So why should you join Industry Connect? Well that’s simple. So simple in fact, we’ve [...]

Luke from Vietnam just landed his first job in Australia with our help

August 22nd, 2018|News|

Another week, another success story! This time it’s Luke who’s recently started his first job in Australia after competing Industry Connect’s job-ready programme. We caught up with him to ask about his time with us. First off, congratulations! So you've just finished your first week at work. With your new job can you tell us [...]