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November 2017

The Blockchain & Ethereum 101

November 18th, 2017|Software Development|

Ethereum – a Decentralised Consensus Network The blockchain is the decentralised consensus network,, and its most well known instance is "bitcoin",  before you can the development on Ethereum network, here are some key technologies required. Public Key Cryptography Public, private key cryptography is an encryption method that requires two keys. i..e Public key is known to [...]

Australia needs test analysts! Do you have what it takes?

November 15th, 2017|Internship|

If you’re looking for a test analyst job in Australia, then come see us at Industry Connect. We can help you just like we’ve helped hundreds of others launch their careers in the IT industry. A test analyst job will give you a solid base for your future, building a steady foundation upon which to build and [...]

Begin a software career in the gaming industry

November 12th, 2017|Uncategorized|

Unbelievable growth in the video gaming industry means there has never been a better time to begin your software career! Gaming is now the worlds 4th biggest entertainment industry. Your mother probably always told you to go outside. “Those video games are a waste of time”, she said. Yet, for some reason, [...]

Testimonials for our job-ready programme

November 7th, 2017|Testimonials|

If you're still unsure about what Industry Connect can do for you, then take a look at what just a few of the many graduates who have come through us have to say about our job-ready programmes. Industry Connect was a great experience! I got training to be in a real-world development environment with a [...]

Discover what Industry Connect can do for you

November 1st, 2017|News|

Come to industry Connect’s information and advice interview session and discover how we can set you on the path of a wonderful career in IT. Information & Advice Session We will be holding our information night on Wednesdays. If you’re interested in a career in the IT Industry, but can’t seem to get your foot in [...]

October 2017

Calling all test analysts in Australia!

October 29th, 2017|Graduate Jobs|

If you’re looking for a test analyst job in Australia, then Industry Connect are the people to talk to! We’ve just opened up offices in Ozzie, and we’re here to help you find your first job as a test analyst in Australia. Join our programme and land your dream job A test analyst internship is [...]

Charles just landed his first job as a data analyst

October 24th, 2017|News|

Becoming a data analyst isn’t easy to do. It’s a tough job, and companies don’t want someone who’s wet behind the ears - they need experience. But how do you get that experience without having a job? It’s a Catch 22 that has people pulling their hair out in frustration. Luckily we have the answer, [...]

Why learn C# from employment perspective

October 22nd, 2017|Software Development|

Companies you can work for One of the biggest benefits of learning C# is that it is used by the wide range of companies. From small startups to big corporations.  C# has been one of the top 5 most popular programming languages for the past decade, as well as being the main language that enterprises pay programmers to [...]

Come along to our Industry Connect Information morning

October 17th, 2017|News|

If you are a recent IT graduate and are wondering how to land a job now University is finished, then you need to speak to us. Or if you have just arrived in New Zealand and have a background in IT, but can’t find a job here, then we can help. How Industry Connect can [...]

A career change from networking career to software development

October 11th, 2017|Software Development|

Yadira (from Networking career) said on our facebook page review, "If you want to switch careers, are committed to learn but you are not sure if software development is right for you, then I recommend you to give Industry Connect a try. You will be amazed of what you can achieve through this program."   [...]