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October 2016

Industry Connect helps two more people find IT jobs in New Zealand

October 15th, 2016|Graduate Jobs, Testimonials|

If you’re looking for IT jobs in New Zealand, then Industry Connect are the people to call. We specialise in helping students, graduates and skilled immigrants find work here, launching their careers and sometimes even a new life in Aotearoa. Take a look at two more success stories from our job-ready programmes, and see if [...]

Sign up now for our last intake of 2016!

October 10th, 2016|Internship, News|

If becoming a software developer is something that interests you, then Industry Connect can help. We have created special software development courses, each designed for a specific area of the industry. Each have their own advantages, and each will give you a head start in the search for a job. But you need to act [...]

More success stories from Industry Connect!

October 3rd, 2016|News, Testimonials|

If there’s one thing we pride ourselves on here at Industry Connect, it is helping people find work. A new job isn’t just a paycheck. With so many of our graduates and interns coming from overseas and here on temporary visas, finding a job in New Zealand can be literally life-changing for them and their [...]

September 2016

Why you should consider a software developer internship

September 27th, 2016|Internship|

A software developer internship probably won’t have you beating off the girls with a big stick, but what it will get you however is a solid base for your future, giving you a steady foundation upon which to build. […]

Why companies turn to us for junior software developer jobs

September 22nd, 2016|Uncategorized|

Industry Connect is a common hunting ground for employers to search for new talent to fill junior software jobs. By signing up to Industry Connect’s specially designed programming internships, you can get yourself in prime position to be snapped up by one of Auckland’s leading software companies. […]

Join our programming bootcamp and land your 1st job

September 16th, 2016|News|

Industry Connect have created a special programming bootcamp that is tailored to young up and coming programmers. This specialised bootcamp is specifically designed to educate, teach and employ the next generation of software developers. […]

Become a test analyst with Industry Connect

September 9th, 2016|News|

Good news! Industry Connect are now opening the doors to our latest test analyst job ready programme.  The countdown is on, and in a few short weeks we will be starting a new course designed to make you ready for a career in the IT world. […]

10 traits every junior software developer should have

September 1st, 2016|News|

Landing a job as a junior software developer means a lot of things. It’s a mix of many different skills, attitudes and natural abilities. […]

August 2016

Why finding IT jobs in New Zealand might be tough

August 28th, 2016|Uncategorized|

If you’re on the search for IT jobs in New Zealand, then your search may take longer than you think Did you know the top 5 highest paid jobs in the country are all in IT? Sweet as! So as an up and coming software developer, you can already start planning the shape of your [...]

Our programming bootcamp is unique in New Zealand

August 21st, 2016|News|

Industry Connect has designed a programming bootcamp unique to New Zealand, that specifically helps under and post graduate software developers. Our Programming Bootcamp The idea is a simple one: bring in software developers on Internships, teach them everything you know, and then find them work at the end of it. Sound simple? Well, yeah, it is. [...]