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May 2016

Can anyone be a programmer? Yes, if you join our programming bootcamp!

May 5th, 2016|News|

It wasn’t that long ago that programmers were an exclusive group of people. If your PC crashed, there’s was always that someone who was “good with computers”. Usually a nerdy cousin or a geeky friend, they would come round, do something to fix it, and that would be that for another few months. Usually, all [...]

April 2016

Discover practical software training with Industry Connect

April 27th, 2016|News|

When it comes to practical software training, it can be tough to find somewhere to hone your skills. Here at Industry Connect, we have developed a special programme to help young software developers gain invaluable experience and grow their skill set. We’ve helped dozens of young software developers build on their knowledge, expand their skills [...]

Ten traits that make a great software developer

April 22nd, 2016|News|

Working as a software developer means a lot of things. It’s a mix of many different skills, attitudes and natural abilities. It’s not for everyone, and not everyone’s going to be great at it, but if you’ve got these following ten qualities, then you might just be the perfect programmer. Basic technical know-how Like any [...]

Finding software jobs in Auckland

April 16th, 2016|News|

New Zealand is world renowned for its entrepreneurial, imaginative and pioneering attitude. This year, 2015, the Global Innovation Index ranked us 15th in the world, ahead of countries such as Australia, Canada and Japan. With recent success stories hitting the headlines, software development in New Zealand has rapidly become a guiding light in this age of ones and [...]

Is it worth doing a programming boot camp?

April 11th, 2016|News|

If you’re interest in a career in Software Development, then you need to be up-to-date with the latest goings-on in the world of programming. If you did a course in HTML ten years ago, or have a bit of experience with Javascript, then I’m afraid you’re in for a shock. The software development industry changes [...]

Want to be a software developer? Here’s how we can help.

April 5th, 2016|News|

Becoming a software developer is a very attractive career path these days. The digital world has now taken over, and not only are there plenty of jobs and opportunities, but they’re also well paid. If becoming a software developer is something that interests you, then Industry Connect can help. We have created special software development [...]

March 2016

Which Industry Connect software developer programme is for you?

March 30th, 2016|News|

Job ready software developer programme Our ‘Job Ready’ programme has been specifically designed to get you a job at the end of it. You’ll work alongside and be guided by experienced software developers and IT professionals. You’ll work on real-world IT problems, deal with real clients, and work to real deadlines. The hands-on coaching, 1-to-1 [...]

Five reasons to do our programming internship in Auckland

March 26th, 2016|Internship, News|

If you’re interested in a programming internship in Auckland, then Industry Connect are the people to call! Let us help you get your career in IT off to a great start with one of our four specialised internships. Here are five reasons you should take part in our programming internship in Auckland: Get noticed by [...]

Are you finding it tough looking for software developer jobs?

March 21st, 2016|Internship, News|

If you’re on the search for software developer jobs, then your search may take longer than you think Did you know the top 5 highest paid jobs in the country are all in IT? Sweet as! So as an up and coming software developer, you can already start planning the shape of your swimming pool... [...]

How our programming internship can help you get a job

March 17th, 2016|Internship, News|

A programming internship is a common hunting ground for employers searching for new talent. By signing up to Industry Connect’s programming internship, you can get yourself in prime position to be snapped up by one of Auckland’s leading software companies. "... a programming internship is the perfect place to recruit new employees..." As far as [...]