“I was doing a full-time job when I joined, but so I quit to focus on Industry Connect and it’s paid off.”

More good news from Australia! This time it’s Amar who has landed a job as a data analyst!

What was your background before coming to Industry Connect?

I did my Bachelors in Information Technology and aftger that I got stuck in jobs that didn’t have a growth potential. I didn’t want to stay in those jobs, I just felt stuck there. Once my visa was sorted I thought it was time for a change and work in my field, so that’s when I found Industry Connect.

I did some research on you guys and thought it was quite a good fit, so joined you guys and I’ve been with MVP Studio now for about 9 months. It’s really helped me learn office culture, role playing, and getting to know other team members and what they are going through.

And you were still working full-time while you were doing the internship?

Yes, I was doing a full-time job when I joined, but recently I’ve decided to dedicate myself to this course, so I quit to focus on Industry Connect and it’s paid off.

How did you find the 6 week job-ready program through Zoom?

It was pretty flexible for me because the classes and sessions were conducted so you can just look into it at your own convenience. And they were quite descriptive they were quite informative, I think they covered all the basic tools like what the data analysts would do in their day-to-day jobs.

I got a pretty good experience working on them while working at my job, so yeah that came in really handy. Even now I have those recorded sessions and I keep watching them. Every time I see them, I still learn a lot!

How did you find the community on the Slack channel?

It was definitely helpful. If I had any issues I just contacted my mentor and he responded as quickly as possible. IT was really convenient for me for all sorts of things. With the help of Slack I was able to connect with everyone quite easily.

So how was the transition of moving into the internship after the 6 week program?

Because of the role playing we did in the program, I was quite confident when it came to job interviews and stuff, so the transition was quite good. I was also learning a lot and gaining experience – it was an amazing journey.

What stood out for you the most from the internship?

I did my Bachelors a long time ago, so I wasn’t familiar with the tools or systems that are used today, but at Industry Connect, the sessions were quite detailed and I learned a lot from it. When you start working on things, on your tasks, you come across a lot of issues that you have to learn as you go – it’s always a new learning experience, the learning never stops.

Everything changes so quickly in IT you have to upskill all the time. It’s an ever-learning experience, you come across something new every time and it improves you – you are a better version of yourself every single time.

How did you find Industry Connect when it came to helping you with your CV and communication skills?

Regina helped me a lot with the interview and with the resume building sessions. Initially I just had a basic CV which didn’t highlight my strengths, but Regina gave me some great feedback on how to present my CV and since then I started to get interviews. It had a big impact on me personally. It was so helpful. I think in any industry it’s really helpful, so yeah, those sessions were amazing.

What advice would you give anyone thinking of joining Industry Connect?

You just have to stay dedicated to what you want to do. Don’t get distracted, commit yourself. Have a vision of seeing yourself in this position in these many years. Industry Connect gave me a path and a direction for me. I’ve been walking that path since then and it was an amazing journey for me.

Well that you for your time Amar and good luck in your new job as a data analyst!

What is Industry Connect?

Industry Connect is an IT/Software Career Launchpad that has everything you need to kick-start your IT/software career in AU, NZ, UK, IE, SG, HK, IN, ID, VN & PH.

Industry Connect's Ecosystem

We have been helping career changers, recent IT graduates and people with career gap to start their IT/software careers.

Over the years, we have helped hundreds kick-start an IT/software career. (Verifiable evidences are available on this website)


We are an innovative software training school backed by global/local software companies. Our ecosystem is an incubation process that supports our participants until they launch a tech career.


Our Job-Ready training programmes focus on,
  • Software Development
  • Business Intelligence (or Data Analyst)
  • Test Analyst

  • Six Weeks Training Classes (Practical Tech Skills)
  • Three Months (or more) Structured Internship on Large Commercial-Scale Projects (Learning enhanced, flexible Hours)
  • Employer Network (job analysis and internal referral if goals are met)

You can join us via Zoom (live face-to-face meeting) remotely from anywhere and "download" the valuable knowledge & experiences from our tech experts across different tech centres.

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